Bid Postings

Bid Opportunities

No Bid Notices at this time

Contact Information:

Stephanie Poska
Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School District
562 Maple Street
P.O. Box 346
Hathorne, MA  01937
(978) 304-4700 X 7204
(978) 624-7394 fax

Awarded Bids

FY 2025

Bid NumberTitleAwarded ToAmount
Bid 2025-02On Road Ultra Sulfur Diesel FuelStadium Oil Heat, Inc of Peabody, MAFloating price of $0.1995 per gallon over the OPIS Boston Rack Average
Bid 2025-01Hot Mix Asphalt Paving ProjectSite Improvements Inc. of Andover, MABase Bid, Alternate 1 & Alternate 2: $593,281

FY 2024

Bid NumberTitleAwarded ToAmount
BID 2024-07Epoxy Flooring Automotive ShopTopcoat Services USA, LLC of Hyannis, MA$91,460
BID 2024-06Larkin Cottage Fire Protection SystemE. Amanti & Sons, Inc. of Salem, MA$218,400.00
RFQ 2024-05Energy Management ServicesEnergy Efficient Investments, Inc. of Merrimack, NHVaried Rates Apply
Bid 2024-03Site Work for Installation of Utility Services – Larkin CottageC. M. Conway Construction Inc., of Lynnfield, MA$269,00.00
Bid 2024-02Addition at Angell at Essex Veterinary Building REBIDSeaver Construction Inc., of Woburn, MA
Bid 2024-01Cleaning ServicesStar Building Services Inc., Boston, MAYear 1: $145,524.70
Year 2: $153,122.65
Year 3: $156,202.90

FY 2023

Bid NumberTitleAwarded ToAmount
Bid 2023-08Epoxy Flooring Gallant HallSole Source Restoration, LLC of Cranston, RIBase Bid & Alternate 1: $108,440
Bid 2023-07Asbestos Removal Gallant HallGreenleaf Environmental, INC. of Lawrence, MABase Bid & Alternate 1: $69,930
BID 2023-06Addition to Angell at Essex Veterinary BuildingPending
BID 2023-05Alumni Gym HVAC & Electrical UpgradesE. Amanti & Sons, Inc. of Salem, MA$1,788,000
BID 2023-04Foodservice EquipmentTrimark United East$188,914.29
BID 2023-03Alumni Gym Floor ReplacementF.J. Roberts – AASG Sports Surfaces, Inc.Base Bid; Alternate 1 & Alternate 2: $374,770
BID 2023-02Hot Mix Asphalt Paving ProjectSite Improvement Inc.Base Bid & Alternate 1: $633,605
BID 2023-01Cleaning ServicesAdvanced Maintenance Solutions, INC.Year 1: $128,367.80 Year 2: $121,673.75 Year 3: $134,981.55

FY 2022

Bid NumberTitleAwarded ToAmount
BID 2022-01On Road Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel FuelStadium Oil Heat, Inc.$0.105 per gallon over OPIS Rack Average
RFQ 2022-02On-Call/OPM ServicesAtlantic Construction & Management, IncVaried Rates Apply
BID 2022-03Alumni Gym & Gallant Hall Doors/Windows/Masonry RepairBid was Cancelled
BID 2022-04Exterior Framing/Roofing of ADA Compliant Restroom AdditionUnicon, Inc.$89,000
BID 2022-05TelehandlerBids Rejected due to Pricing/Delivery Timeline
RFQ 2022-06Epoxy Flooring – Gallant HallSole Source Construction, LLC$27,264
BID 2022-07HAAS MachinesTrident Machine Tools, Inc.$465,734.50
BID 2022-084 (four) Sharp Manual Precision LathesBids Rejected due to Budget Constraints
RFQ 2022-10On-Call Architectural ServicesAwarded to a pool: Derby Square Architects, Drummey Rosane Anderson, Inc., Gienapp Architects, LLCVaried Rates Apply
BID 2022-11Sharp Manual Precision LathesRice Machinery$186,900
BID 2022-12Larkin Cottage Trusses – Supply & InstallationBids Rejected. The district will be seeking a redesign of the project that is more student friendly and cost effective
SURPLUS EQUIPMENT BID 2022-13Hyundai MachinesMachinery Resources Int.$34,500
BID 2022-15School Bus CamerasPro-Vision Video Systems$68,820
BID 2022-16Audio Visual System UpgradesPro AV Systems, INC$240,121.50
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