Animal Sciences

Veterinary Science
About This Program
The Veterinary Science program is designed to give students experience needed to work in the veterinary field. Throughout the course of this program, students will practice restraints and medical procedures on rodents, reptiles, dogs, cats, livestock animals, and horses. Students will also develop skills in laboratory work, including performing blood testing, urinalysis, and tests for internal and external parasites as well as gain the ability to administer medication. Students will practice customer service skills and understand the role and responsibilities of each member of the veterinary healthcare team. Students will earn an OSHA 10 hour card and be certified to practice canine and feline CPR and first aid. See below for full course descriptions.

Career Paths
- Veterinary Assistant
- Veterinary Technician
- Veterinary Technologist
- Veterinarian
- Zoological/Wildlife
- Radiology Technician
- Laboratory Technician
- Animal Care Specialist
- Academic
- Pharmaceutical Representative
- Laboratory Animal Technician
Industry Partnerships
VCA Lynnfield Animal Hospital
Angell Animal Medical Center
Andover Animal Hospital
Borash Veterinary Clinic
Hamilton-Wenham Veterinary Hospital
SRH Veterinary Services
The National FFA Organization
OSHA 10 Hour Health
Pet First Aid
Articulation Agreements
- North Shore Community College-Danvers
- UnityCollege
- University of New Hampshire (pending)
- University of Massachusetts (pending)
Advisory Committee Members
- Cathy Buckley, Andover Animal Hospital
- Lisa Humphries
- Hope Humphries
- Renee Leavitt, Bulger Veterinary Hospital
- Julia Lobel, Hamilton Wenham Vet Hospital
- Cailen Pillsbury, Reading Animal Clinic
- Jason Psalidas, New England Veterinary Hospital
- Amanda Watson, Mass Veterinary Referral Hospital
Meeting Documents
- Veterinary Science Fall 2017 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Veterinary Science Fall 2020 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Veterinary Science Fall 2019 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Veterinary Science Spring 2018 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Veterinary Science Spring 2021 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Veterinary Science Fall 2018 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Veterinary Science Spring 2019 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Veterinary Science Fall 2022 PAC Minutes

Student outcomes
Tracy McNair, Class of 1995
Where are they now? Our Family Veterinary Services
What is their job title? Certified Veterinary Technician
“Essex North Shore gave me a great understanding about taking care of animals and the skills to pursue a rewarding career in the Veterinary field as a Certified Veterinary Technician”
Meet the Veterinary Science Teachers

Ms. Jennifer DeForge
Veterinary Science Teacher
[email protected]

Ms. Heather Hume
Veterinary Science Teacher
[email protected]

Ms. Katelyn MacLean
Animal Science Teacher
[email protected]

Ms. Leandra Pellegrino
Veterinary Science Teacher
[email protected]

Ms. Rebecca Smith
Veterinary Science Teacher
[email protected]

Ms. Tracey Olivieri
Animal Science Teacher
[email protected]
Veterinary Science Course Descriptions
Veterinary Science Exploratory 9
Course # vs101 | Credits: 1.0
This five-day cycle exploratory course introduces grade 9 students to the basics in Veterinary Science.Students will work with the rodents, reptiles, and birds while performing veterinary activities.
Introduction to Veterinary Science 9
Course # vs104 | Credits: 5.0
This semester-based course allows the students to explore the veterinary science field. Students will learn about the different aspects and careers offered within the veterinary science field. Students will explore rodents, reptiles, equine, livestock, and dogs. Topics will include: safety, behavior, handling, proper management, health issues, and housing.
Animal Science Basics 9
Course #vs105 | Credits: 5.0
This semester-based course allows students to explore animal science as a field of study. Students will learn about the basics of animal systems related to nutrition, reproduction, breeding, care, and management. Students will do so by building upon their study of birds, livestock, specialty animals, cats, and fish.
Veterinary Science Health and Nutrition 10
Course # vs201 | Credits: 4.0
This semester-based course will introduce students to basic animal health and nutrition. This will include the anatomy and physiology of the digestive and immune systems of a variety of animals. Students will be introduced to dental anatomy. Major topics of study will include: feedstuffs, nutrients, digestion, nutrition requirements, disorders, and nutritional deficiencies. Students will explore basic immunology, common infectious diseases, parasites, and vaccine technology. Throughout the year students will also discuss and demonstrate proper sanitation and disinfection procedures.
Fundamental Veterinary Science 10
Course # vs202 | Credits: 6.0
This semester-based course is designed to provide students with the introductory skills needed to explore employment as a veterinary assistant and technician. Topics will include animal restraint and physical exams, terminology, pet first aid, and customer service.
Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology 10
Course # vs203 | Credits: 6.0
This semester-based course is designed to provide students with the knowledge of the form and function of animal body systems. Students will examine the integumentary, musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory, renal, nervous, endocrine, and reproductive systems.
Veterinary Clinical Skills 10
Course # vs204 | Credits: 4.0
This semester-based course will provide students with the introductory skills needed to explore employment as a veterinary assistant and technician. Major topics will include: professional communication, customer service, scheduling appointments, admitting and discharging patients, medical terminology, and transactions.
Practical Physiology 11
Course # vs301 | Credits: 4
This semester-based course will build upon student knowledge of anatomy and physiology in order to develop a more in-depth understanding of the internal and external anatomy of various species. Students will learn to define the medical terms, illustrate body planes, and locate and diagram various components of internal and external anatomy. Students will also describe and identify the function of organs and components of the ten major systems, distinguish between various species, identify normal and abnormal characteristics, and identify common disorders associated with each system.
Veterinary Lab Techniques 11
Course # vs302 | Credits: 4
This semester-based course will provide students with the skills needed to explore employment in the laboratory science field. Major topics will include: medical math, hematology, urinalysis, and diagnostic testing. Students will develop skills in lab safety and proper use of all lab equipment. Students will also acquire skills in lab safety and proper use of all lab equipment.
Practical Veterinary Science 11
Course # vs303 | Credits: 12
This full-year course will prepare students for entry-level positions in the field of veterinary assisting. Students will develop practical skill sas members of a veterinary team. Major units of study will include: veterinary tools, equipment, surgical instruments, common disease and prevention techniques. Students will also practice suturing and bandaging techniques.
Veterinary Science Theory 11
Course # vs306 Credits: 4 This full-year, classroom-based course is intended to provide students with further training in large and small animal medical health fields and will introduce them to the position of veterinary assistant. After a brief history and orientation of the veterinary assistant career, students will learn the basics of animal diseases, restraints, sterilization, radiology, wound healing, humane issues, and related lab procedures.
Veterinary Science Cooperative Education 11
Course # vs305 | Credits: 12
This semester-based course provides qualified students with a career technical employment opportunity. The program is designed to allow students on-the-job training by involving them in work that is directly related to their technical area of study. Cooperating employers provide additional training, pays students, and reports their performance to the school for every cycle. Please note that juniors are eligible for Cooperative Education during third and fourth quarters only.
Animal Nursing 12
Course # vs401 | Credits: 4.0
This semester-based course is designed to help students develop mastery level skills in animal nursing. Students will use medical terminology found in records and surveys in order to establish normal versus abnormal animal behavior. There will be a health unit that has students learn about the organs of different systems, common disorders, zoonotic diseases in New England, and common diseases and conditions. A unit on restraint and handling will prepare students for working with fractious animals. Students will also examine different techniques of first-aid care.
Applied Veterinary Science 12
Course # vs402 | Credits: 12.0
This full-year course will focus students on learning advanced techniques of veterinary assisting by building upon skills students have learned in previous years. Major topics will include: professional communication, management responsibilities, surgical assisting, including an introduction to anesthetic monitoring, and radiation safety. Students will also participate in clinical rotations intended to enhance classroom learning.
Advanced Lab Technology 12
Course # vs403 | Credits: 4.0
This semester-based course further builds upon student skills necessary for employment in a laboratory science field. Major topics will include: medical math, hematology, urinalysis, and diagnostic testing. Students will develop skills in lab safety and proper use of all lab equipment. Students will also refine skills in lab safety and proper use of all lab equipment.
Veterinary Science Theory 12
Course # vs406 | Credits: 4
This full-year, classroom-based course is intended to provide students with further training in the medical care of animals. Topics will include: animal diseases, internal and external parasites, medications, and methods of administering: injection, pilling, and drenching animals. Students will also practice customer service skills in order to understand the roles and responsibilities of the veterinary healthcare team.
Veterinary Science Cooperative Education 12
Course # vs405 | Credits: 24
This full-year course provides qualified students with a career technical employment opportunity. The program is designed to allow students on-the-job training by involving them in work that is directly related to their technical area of study. Cooperating employers provide additional training, pays students, and reports their performance to the school for every cycle.