Animal Sciences
Equine Science
About This Program
The Equine Science program allows each student to build a successful career path by providing hands-on experiences. Throughout the courses in this program, students will explore many aspects of Equine Science including: Basic Equine Care, Training Techniques, Riding/Driving, Emergency Care, Barn Management Practices, Riding Instruction, Equine Health Care, Breeding and Genetics, Anatomy and Physiology, Nutrition and General Wellness, Laws and Regulations, and Practical Horsemanship. See below for full course description.

Career Paths
- Horse Trainer
- Nutritionist
- Equine Vet
- Equine Vet Tech
- Riding Instructor
- Agriculture Teacher
- Equine Massage Therapist
- Therapeutic Riding Instructor
- Animal Breeder
- Equine Care Specialist
- Barn Manager
- Farrier
- Equine Program Director
Industry Partnerships
Advisory Committee Members
- Justin Goguen, Alumni
- Jacek Grotnik, Myopia Polo Education Foundation
- Amanda Hogan, Windrush Farm
- Cassie Houde
- Liz Johnson, UNH and On the Bit Events
- Kimberly McGuire
- Bryan Parrott, Parrott Equine Assoc. LLC
- Monique Proulx, The Equestrian Shop
- Pat Saunders, Saunders
- Diya Shah, Student Representative
- Mayuri Shah, Parent Representative
- Alexis Stasinos, New England Equine/Alumni
Meeting Documents
- Equine Sciences Fall 2017 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Equine Sciences Fall 2018 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Equine Sciences Fall 2019 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Equine Sciences Fall 2020 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Equine Sciences Fall 2022 PAC Minutes
- Equine Sciences Spring 2018 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Equine Sciences Spring 2019 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Equine Sciences Spring 2021 PAC Meeting Minutes
- Equine Sciences Spring 2022 PAC Minutes
Meet the Equine Science Teachers

Ms. Julia Giaquinto
Animal Science Teacher
[email protected]

Ms. Emily Poulin
Equine Science Teacher
[email protected]
Equine Science Course Descriptions
Equine Science Exploratory 9
Course # eq101 | Credits: 1.0
This five-day cycle exploratory course introduces grade 9 students to an overview of the field of equine science. Students will practice hands-on skills, including haltering, leading, and grooming. Safety around horses and proper attire will be discussed. Other topics include equine-related terminology, behavior, and equine-related career options.
Equine Science 9
Course # eq103 | Credits: 10.0
This semester-based course will continue to allow students to explore the different aspects and careers offered within the equine science field. Students will also explore rodents, reptiles, birds, equine, livestock, specialty animals, dogs, cats, and fish. Topics will include safety, behavior, handling, proper management, health issues, and housing.
Equine I 10
Course # eq201 | Credits: 8.0
This full-year course will continue to offer students an opportunity to explore the equine industry and the various career pathways. Students will learn about horse training; riding techniques, care, and management along with general health considerations for horses. Students will learn how to identify breeds, colors, and markings of horses. Students will also focus on moving forward in their riding and training skills among the various disciplines studied.
Equine Health and Nutrition 10
Course # eq202 | Credits: 2.0
This full-year course will introduce students to basic animal health and nutrition, including the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. Feedstuffs, nutrients, digestion, nutrient requirements, nutritional disorders and deficiencies will also be covered. Students will focus on proper environmental conditions and sanitation procedures for animal health. In addition, students will learn methods of BSC (body condition scoring) along with methods of determining weight and height for an equine for feeding and medication purposes.
Equine Emergency Care 10
Course # eq203 | Credits: 4.0
This full-year course will teach students to recognize a healthy horse and how to assess and treat an injured or sick horse. Normal behavior, vital signs, external anatomy of the horse, and advanced methods of restraint will also be discussed. Students will learn about common medications, their use, proper dosage, and administration. Additional topics will include recognizing, treating and preventing various types of wounds along with conformation and how it affects soundness, causes and treatment of colic, and the symptoms, causes and treatment of lameness.
Equine Anatomy & Physiology 10
Course # eq204 | Credits: 2.0
This full-year course will provide students with the knowledge of form and function of the body systems of the horse. The integumentary, musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory, renal, nervous, endocrine systems will be examined. There will also be discussions on diseases and conditions related to each system.
Equine Science Breeding and Genetics 11
Course # eq301 | Credits: 4.0
This full-year course will provide students with an introduction to equine reproduction and genetics. Topics will include: the anatomy and physiology of the mare and stallion reproductive tracts, artificial insemination, natural cover, genetics, evaluating horses for potential breeding stock, stages of gestation and estrus, stages of foaling, as well as normal and abnormal parturition.
Equine Science Health Management I
Course # eq302 | Credits: 4.0
This full-year course will focus students on understanding a variety of equine health-related topics. Students will review the equine digestive system and the prevention and treatment of colic. Students will develop an equine health program that includes the prevention and control of equine diseases, internal and external parasites, vaccinations, and related record keeping. Additional topics will include Massachusetts General Law 128D and impact and liability in the equine industry. Students will also learn about local town and city animal control laws and determine the steps involved in obtaining a stable license.
Equine Science Practical Horsemanship 11
Course # eq303 | Credits: 8.0
This full-year course will provide students with all the steps involved in preparing a horse for the show ring as well as presenting a horse in hand for showing, vet examinations, pre purchase exams, and insurance appraisals. Students will learn about the various theories and methods of equine leg protection, barn-clipping techniques, clipper care and maintenance, and safe handling of clippers. Practical horsemanship will continue to move students forward in their riding skills in order to achieve a secure and balanced seat with practiced control of the horse. Using horses for therapy will also be included with an emphasis on the following aspects of a therapeutic riding program: lesson instruction, volunteer roles, and selecting and conditioning the therapy horse. This course will also prepare students to work with a variety of disciplines and be able to select appropriate horses and equipment for each discipline learned. Students will further their skill levels in the fundamentals of long lining and ground driving as training and conditioning methods.
Equine Science Theory 11
Course # eq306 | Credits: 4
This full-year, classroom-based course will help students to understand the science behind horse colors, breeds, disciplines and blanketing. Students will also explore horse grooming and clipping. Stable management skills will focus on record keeping, tack, aids, equitation and showmanship. Equine careers and colleges will be discussed to help students plan for their future.
Equine Science Cooperative Education 11
Course # eq305 | Credits: 12
This semester-based course provides qualified students with a career technical employment opportunity. The program is designed to allow students on-the-job training by involving them in work that is directly related to their technical area of study. Cooperating employers provide additional training, pays students, and reports their performance to the school for every cycle. Please note that juniors are eligible for Cooperative Education during third and fourth quarters only.
Barn Management 12
Course # eq401 | Credits: 4.0
This full-year course will provide students with a general understanding of equine barn management.Students will be introduced to barn manager topics, including trailering laws and regulations, transporting horses, developing a shoeing program, footing materials, developing a leasing program as well as budgets and documents often found in the equine industry. Students will also continue the development of the practical skills needed to prevent, recognize, and treat medical issues commonly seen in horses. Additional topics will include prevention and treatment of colic, lameness prevention and management, and various types of alternative treatments available. Options for placement of horses after they are done with given jobs will also be discussed. Students will also explore career pathways in the equine industry along with the skills and education needed to work in these areas.
Equine Methods of Riding, Training and Instruction 12
Course # eq402 | Credits: 10.0
This full-year course will introduce students to aspects of riding, training, and instruction. Students will explore a variety of training and instructing techniques through applied learning as well as field trips to off-campus sites. Students will complete riding instructing hours. A variety of equine training methods and theories will be discussed and applied. Students will learn the proper fitting of tack in various disciplines as well as different bits and training aids. Students will also learn about equine associations and licenses, and safety protocols for a variety of equine disciplines. Advanced techniques in long lining and body clipping and show preparation will be practiced.
Equine Health Management II 12
Course # eq403 | Credits: 4.0
This full-year course will continue to develop student understanding about a variety of equine health-related topics. We will discuss medical and stable evacuation plans for a variety of natural disasters. Students will also learn to identify problems that require immediate veterinary and lameness causes and evaluation. Other topics will include alternative forms of medical treatments, various types of medical imaging, equine vision as it relates to training and behavior. Students will also learn about equine rescue and rehabilitation and options for retirement and/or rehoming a horse when the current career for the horse is over.
Equine Science Theory 12
Course # eq406 | Credits: 4
This full-year, classroom-based course will deepen student understanding of Equine Science. Theory topics will include equine care, training techniques, riding/driving, emergency care, barn management practices, riding instruction, equine health care, breeding and genetics, equine anatomy and physiology, nutrition and general wellness, laws and regulations, and practical horsemanship.
Equine Science Cooperative Education 12
Course # eq405 | Credits: 24
This full-year course provides qualified students with a career technical employment opportunity. The program is designed to allow students on-the-job training by involving them in work that is directly related to their technical area of study. Cooperating employers provide additional training, pays students, and reports their performance to the school for every cycle.