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“CTE Works!” Fact Sheet

This week, ACTE published a new “CTE Works!” fact sheet that provides an evidence-based overview of CTE’s impact on student achievement; education and employment outcomes; and the skills gap and economy.

Research shows that CTE students excel in high school and postsecondary education. The average high school graduation rate of CTE concentrators is 94% – 9 percentage points higher than the overall U.S. graduation rate – and CTE concentrators are just as likely as non-concentrators to earn a postsecondary degree or certificate.

The benefits of CTE extend into employment. For instance, associate degree holders in CTE fields like engineering, IT, health care and skilled trade occupations can earn up to $2.8 million over their lifetimes – the same as the median lifetime earnings for workers with bachelor’s degrees.

Additionally, filling roles in CTE fields is critical to supporting the economy. Over the next decade, the United States faces a projected shortage of 6.5 million skilled workers.
[pdf-embedder url=”/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/CTE-Works_Fact-Sheet_Final.pdf”]