Class of 2028
Welcome and congratulations again on you (or your child’s) acceptance to Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School! Our mission is academic and technical excellence and we are thrilled to be partnering with you as you begin your high school career. We know that before long, you will possess and exemplify the six qualities of our graduate profile; Hawks are Collaborative, Culturally Proficient, Entrepreneurial, Kind, Perseverant, and Responsible.
New Caregiver Orientation
Our New Caregiver (Parent/Guardian) Orientation will be on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Presentations from these sessions will be linked below, allowing you to review the slides and access the links embedded within.
New Student Orientation
Thursday, August 22, 2024, 7:45 am-12:00 pm
Many Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School staff and our amazing student mentors will spend the morning preparing your children for this next step in their educational careers. This event is for all students in the Class of 2028, as well as our new students in the Class of 2026 & 2027. Bus transportation will be provided to and from school.
Students will be picked up by buses at the regularly scheduled morning time and location. Bus schedules are available on our website on the Transportation Page. Please be sure that students arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes early for pickup. Students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm. If you choose to drive your student to and from orientation, please proceed to the parking lot by the Gymnasium in the rear of the building to drop off and pick up. This is a fun and active day. Students should dress in comfortable, casual clothes and wear sneakers or walking shoes. Students are encouraged to bring a bottle of water; a light snack will be provided before students leave.
During orientation, all students will be photographed for their school identification. In addition, a packet of information and forms, including your student’s schedule, will be given to them on New Student Orientation Day.
August 2024 Welcome Letter
Friday, August 16, 2024
Dear Families:
We are delighted to begin our 2024-2025 school year in just under two weeks! We look forward to welcoming your student to Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School where our dedicated faculty will work every day to create and deliver dynamic lessons in our career technical and agricultural areas and our academic classrooms. Our goal is to help students grow as learners and to promote a positive school culture at Essex Tech. You will soon find out that Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School has an educational faculty and staff who are second to none.
Transitioning into high school is an important yet challenging step for young adolescents and their caregivers. The administrative team at Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School has been meeting throughout the summer to prepare for the 2024-2025 school year and has scheduled two important events to assist families with this transition.
New Parent/Guardian Orientation – Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 6:00-7:30 pm
The school will be open for parents to sign in from 5:15 to 5:55 pm. Please note that this event is for parents/caregivers only. We anticipate a large number of people will attend, and there is limited seating in the presentation areas; therefore, students are not allowed to attend. Be assured that students will have their own orientation. Please also note that the New Parent/Guardian Orientation time will not be utilized for school tours or individual family conferences due to the length of the program. Interpreter services are available if you find it helpful, please contact Katia Lugo, our Bilingual Family Liaison at [email protected].
New Student Orientation Day – Thursday, August 22, 2024, 7:45 am-12:00 pm
Many Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School staff and our amazing student mentors will spend the morning preparing your children for this next step in their educational careers. This event is for all students in the Class of 2028, as well as our new students in the Class of 2026 & 2027. Bus transportation will be provided to and from school. Students will be picked up by buses at the regularly scheduled morning time and location. Bus schedules are available on our website on the Transportation Page. Please be sure that students arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes early for pickup. Students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm and bus transportation will be provided to take students home. If you choose to drive your student to and from orientation, please proceed to the parking lot by the Gymnasium in the rear of the building to drop off and pick up. This is a fun and active day. Students should dress in comfortable, casual clothes and wear sneakers or walking shoes. Students are encouraged to bring a bottle of water; a light snack will be provided before students leave. During orientation, all students will be photographed for their school identification. In addition, a packet of information and forms, including your student’s schedule, will be given to them on New Student Orientation Day.
Here is the schedule for the first week of school:
Monday, August 26, 2024: Faculty Professional Development Day. No school for students.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024: Faculty Professional Development Day. No school for students.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024: First day for all. This is a full day of school with a 7:45 am start.
Thursday, August 29, 2024: 11:00 am Release for all students.
Friday, August 30, 2024: No school for students and staff
Monday, September 2, 2024: No school – Labor Day – School is closed.
For additional dates and details please view the 2023-2024 School Calendar.
Important Information
In an effort to be more sustainable, we are asking that you view information essential to the start of the school year online at essexnorthshore.org/families. The required items that we ask you to review and become familiar with are listed below. However, we believe you will find other helpful information such as the bell schedule and lunch schedule.
- School Meals Information: Please review the following letter from our new Director of Food Services, Mr. Brian Shaw, for important information regarding universal free lunch and the school lunch program.
- School Lunch Accounts: Please see this link to set up a school lunch account for a-la-carte food and drink options with MySchoolBucks.com.
- Free-and-Reduced-Meals Application:
If applicable, please complete the Free and Reduced Meals application and return it to school as soon as possible. The earlier it is received, the faster it can be processed.
- Medication Administration Consent Form and Medication Order-Physician Form: These forms are also required if your student will take any prescription medications during the school day. These forms are also available at essexnorthshore.org/families.
With regard to school supplies, Essex North Shore does not prepare a supply list. Teachers will provide students with a list of recommended materials and supplies during the first week of classes. In addition, students will receive a Dress for Success document in their Orientation folder that outlines the dress requirements for all career technical and agricultural areas. Please note: students are not allowed to wear hats or hoods in our school buildings.
All students are required to have a Chromebook managed by Essex Tech as their one-to-one learning device. Macbooks, PCs, and iPads are not permitted devices. We have multiple sessions available for families to have personal Chromebooks enrolled in the school’s information management session or pick up a borrowed Chromebook from the school for the year: Monday, August 19, 2024, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Wednesday, August 21, 2024, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and Friday, August 23, 2024, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. All families should plan to attend one of the Chromebook sessions. During these sessions, families bringing their Chromebooks will be assisted in enrolling them into the Essex Tech management system. Families borrowing Chromebooks from the school will fill out a Technology Loan Agreement, pay the technology fee of $50.00, receive the Chromebook, and receive assistance with setting it up. More information about the Chromebook 1-to-1 Program can be found on the Technology Department webpage.
Save the Date: Back-to-School Night
We are planning to have our Back-to-School Night on Monday, September 9th. This will allow caregivers to meet their student’s teachers and learn about class expectations. We will provide more details regarding the schedules soon.
We are looking forward to meeting you on August 20th at our New Parent/Guardian Orientation and welcoming our new students on August 22nd at our New Student Orientation. Enjoy the rest of the summer!
Heidi T. Riccio, Ed.D. Shannon Donnelly, M.A.T.
Superintendent-Director Principal
May 2024 Welcome Letter
Dear Caregiver for Incoming Member of the Class of 2028:
Welcome and congratulations again on your child’s acceptance to Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School. Our mission is academic and technical excellence, and we are thrilled to partner with you on behalf of you and your child as they begin their high school career. We hope that before long, you will possess and exemplify the six qualities of our graduate profile; Hawks are Collaborative, Culturally Proficient, Entrepreneurial, Kind, Perseverant, and Responsible
We would like to share some important information that will help us prepare to welcome your child in August. Please note that this information, along with future updates, is available on the Class of 2028 Hawk Hub.
Placement Testing
All Conditionally Accepted students are required to complete our Essex Tech Placement Tests in English and mathematics. This will assist us with placement in English, Mathematics, Biology, and World History. Additionally, almost all students are required to successfully complete two years of Spanish while enrolled as Freshmen and Sophomore at Essex Tech. While not required, incoming students who want to be considered for placement in a more advanced level of Spanish (e.g.: Spanish I Honors or Spanish II) as Freshmen are encouraged to complete the optional Spanish placement exam as well.
Please note that placement test scores DO NOT impact a child’s acceptance status. Rather, placement test scores, combined with course recommendation information received from your 8th-grade child’s middle school, and admissions materials (middle school report cards) are considered when scheduling incoming Grade 9 students.
These placement exams are offered virtually (electronically) beginning Friday, May 3rd through Monday, May 13th. The placement exams and directions on how to take the placement test can be found HERE. Should you have questions about accessing the placement test, please feel free to email [email protected].
Enrollment Forms
Electronic enrollment forms are due by Monday, June 3, 2024. You will be asked to verify your proof of residency by uploading an official document such as a utility bill, a tax bill, an RMV document, or something similar (mobile phone bills will not be accepted). You will also need to complete a sending school record release so that middle schools can forward your child’s cumulative school records to us. Finally, we need you to provide our Health Office with a copy of your child’s most recent physical exam and immunization record. Please be prepared to upload these documents when you log in to complete the enrollment form.
All these forms can be completed online using the PowerSchool Registration system. Please note that in order to complete these forms, you will need to create a new PowerSchool account on the Form page. You must create an account and complete the registration forms using this link. If you have any trouble accessing the PowerSchool Online Enrollment Forms, please contact the Essex North Shore Technology Office at [email protected].
To request a paper form, email [email protected] to request the printed form. Be sure to include your child’s name and your name.
Si desea completar el formulario de inscripción en español, póngase en contacto con la Sra. Katia Lugo, Bilingual Family Liaison en [email protected]. Asegúrese de incluir el nombre de su hijo y su nombre.
Caso deseje preencher o formulário de inscrição em português, entre em contato com a Sra. Katia Lugo, Ligação Familiar Bilíngue [email protected]. Certifique-se de incluir o nome do seu filho/a e o seu nome.
Documents from the Middle School
For those students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504 Accommodation Plan, Medical Plan, or English Learner Plan, we must receive a signed copy of your child’s IEP, 504 Accommodation Plan, Medical Plan, or English Learner Plan along with supporting documentation, evaluations, and reports as soon as possible. Please contact your child’s middle school to request that these documents be forwarded to our Admissions Office as soon as possible. You can also forward copies of these documents directly by email to [email protected]. A representative from Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School will contact your child’s middle school to schedule a transition meeting once these documents have been received.
Technology is used in all aspects of our curriculum and programming. Our students are required to use Google Chromebooks as their 1-to-1 device to access many technology-based resources and tools. Please read more information about our 1-to-1 Chromebook program HERE.
Summer Reading
Summer is almost here and summer reading is the expectation for all Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School students, including incoming freshmen. This year, all students are required to read at least two books. The first book is an open-choice book and can be either fiction or nonfiction, but must be written for young adults or adults. The second book that incoming Grade 9 students will read is Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…and Maybe the World, by Admiral William H. McRaven. Please read more about our Summer Reading Requirement and where to purchase books HERE.
Final Acceptance
Please remember that your child’s Final Acceptance is contingent upon completing all requirements for promotion to Grade 9. At the end of this school year, our Admissions Office will request your child’s final report card from the sending middle school. It is anticipated that Final Acceptance notifications will be forwarded to caregivers by late July once we receive and review all necessary documents.
As a reminder
Save the Dates*
- New Caregiver Orientation
- Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 6:00 pm
- New Student Orientation
- Thursday, August 22, 2024, School Day
- First Day of School
- Wednesday, August 28, 2024
More information will follow over the summer months. To access our School Year 2024 Calendar and Draft School Year 2025 School Calendar, please visit: https://essexnorthshore.org/calendar/
*Dates are tentative and subject to change.
Shop 565 (Essex Tech School Store)
Visit our online School Store by clicking on this link: Shop 565. Shop 565 will also be open on June 6th and 7th from 9:00 am to 12:15 pm for families of the Class of 2028 to visit in person. Bring your accepted student letter to receive a 25% discount on Essex Tech gear. Our Sustainable Horticulture Program will also have seasonal flowers bouquets and arrangements for sale!
We welcome you and your incoming freshman to our school. Please let us know if you need any additional assistance.
Sandra Goldstein, MSW
Director of Counseling & Admissions
Technology Information
Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School greatly values and integrates technology into all aspects of our curriculum and programming. To achieve this, our students are required to use Google Chromebooks as their 1-to-1 device to access many technology-based resources and tools. We strongly believe that the use of Chromebooks in our classrooms and CTAE areas will further enhance learning for students in all settings.
Chromebook Information
In order to ensure equal technology access for all students, we offer two options for families to pick from to access a Chromebook, outlined below. You will indicate your access option through the PowerSchool online “New Student Registration Form”.
- Bring your own: You may purchase your own Chromebook from any retailer and use it at ENSATS or use a Chromebook you already have.
- This option allows you to conduct your own research and select a model that best fits your child’s needs. We highly recommend referring to Google’s Auto Update Policy for Chromebooks, which specifies when Google will stop Chromebooks from receiving updates. Students are required to have a Chromebook that is still receiving regular Google updates. This date is typically four or five years after the device is originally manufactured.
- If you are seeking a recommendation, consider the Lenovo 100e Chromebook Gen 3.
- Borrow: You may borrow a Chromebook from the school. All families that borrow from ENSATS will be charged a one-time $50 Technology Fee*.
- Familes will pickup their Chromebook, complete paperwork, and pay the borrow fee at the school in August.
- Accidental damage to a borrowed Chromebook can be repaired through the Technology Office for a $20 repair fee. Families will be held fiscally liable for any intentional damage made to the borrowed Chromebook or if the Chromebook is lost.
- Borrowed Chromebooks may be brought home on a nightly basis during the school year.
The Technology department will host Chromebook sessions on the dates listed below. During these sessions, families bringing their own Chromebooks will have their Chromebooks enrolled into the Essex Tech management system. Families borrowing Chromebooks from the school will fill out a Technology Loan Agreement, pay the technology fee of $50.00, receive the Chromebook, and receive assistance with logging on. We ask that both the student and a caregiver attend.
- Monday, August 19, 2024 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
- Wednesday, August 21, 2024 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
- Friday, August 23, 2024 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Non-Chromebook Devices
Chromebooks are the required device for students in class. MacBooks and Windows laptops are not permitted. This restriction is in place to ensure that teachers are able to provide unified instruction to all students; therefore, we believe it is important that all students have the same type of device. In addition, Chromebooks will be enrolled in a management system to ensure productivity and provide network access.
Account Information
Student Accounts – Students will receive information on how to access their Aspen, Schoology, Google, and other accounts in person through their freshman folder during freshman orientation.
Caregiver Accounts – Families will receive information on how to log on to their Aspen, Schoology, and Naviance accounts via automated emails in September.
If you have any questions about our 1-to-1 Chromebook program or other Technology resources, please feel free to email [email protected]
Save the Dates

Tuesday, August 20, 2024
6:00 pm

Thursday, August 22, 2024

(All Students)
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Summer Reading
Summer is almost here, and summer reading is the expectation for all Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School students, including incoming freshmen. This year, all students are required to read at least two books.
BOOK #1: The first book is an open-choice book and can be fiction or nonfiction, but must be written for young adults or adults.
BOOK #2: Incoming Grade 9 students will read “Make Your Bed” by Admiral William H. McRaven. Books may be purchased at amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, and in support of local businesses bookshop.org.
When students return to school, each English teacher will assign a Summer Reading Project for BOTH books. Past assignments have included book talks, Goodreads book reviews, and creative projects based on the books such as movie trailers, children’s book adaptations, sculptures, music playlists, and more.
Our goal for summer reading is to keep students reading throughout the summer and to unite our school community through a book about qualities or strengths that inspire us and that we think are important to talk about when we all return for the start of the next school year.

Getting Started