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COVID-19 Protocol Updates 12/29/2021

Dear Students and Families:


We are writing to inform you that we will be delaying the mask optional during the school day due to the continued spikes in variants and COVID-19 cases. We will be asking the Reopening Task Force to reevaluate using the latest COVID-19 metrics and provide a new recommendation for making masks optional at Essex Tech.  Despite our low transmittal rate, we believe this is in the best interest of our school community at this time.


The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) also offered an update on its COVID-19 isolation and quarantine duration guidance based on recent changes from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  The Department of Public Health (DPH) has updated the state-wide guidance which includes a reduction of the required isolation period for COVID-19 positive individuals in K-12 schools to 5 days (from 10 days in current guidance), effective immediately. DESE is currently working with their medical advisors and state health officials to further update the DESE/DPH Guidance on Protocols for Responding to COVID-19 ScenariosPlease note: the ENSATS test-and-stay program will remain in place and we will update you with the most current guidance from DESE.


We encourage families and staff to take advantage of our Booster Clinic on Friday, January 21, 2022. Thank you for your continued understanding and support of our school community. We truly appreciate it and will continue to update you as we receive more information.


Happy New Year!



Heidi T. Riccio, Ed.D., Superintendent-Director
Shannon Donnelly, M.A.T., Principal
Thomas O’Toole, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent
Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School

565 Maple Street | Hathorne, MA 01937
(978) 304-4700 |
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