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FFA is for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of the three components of agricultural education. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. 

Ms. Jillian Plante
Ms. Clarice Menesale
Ms. Heather Hume


FFA Meetings Open to all students in agricultural shops/majors and all Freshmen. FFA Meetings are held on Tuesdays from 2:30 to 4:00 pm. Check the FFA bulletin board in A Academy for the next meeting date.

The Big “E” FFA members travel to Springfield, Massachusetts during the Eastern States Exposition to participate in FFA Day Competitions. This is a regional competition that teams who place first at the state level can compete at. Members are also able to enjoy the sites of the fair.

Topsfield Fair Cider Stand Our largest fundraiser of the year, the Essex FFA operates the FFA Cider Stand during the Topsfield Fair. All FFA members are welcome to come and work a shift in the stand, where we sell hot & cold cider, apples, and cider apple donuts. Money raised during the fair is used to fund the chapter activities throughout the rest of the year.

Poultry Auction  The annual Poultry Auction is held in conjunction with the end of the Topsfield Fair. This is a fundraiser for students attending the National FFA Convention.

National FFA Convention FFA Members will attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana to compete and support their teammates in Career Development Events as well as participate in leadership workshops.

Winter Leadership Camp  Open to all FFA members, WLC is run by the State FFA Officer team and is an overnight camp where attendees learn about a variety of leadership skills.

COLT Chapter Officer Leadership Training – Open to Chapter Officers, COLT training takes place in conjunction with other FFA chapters in our area.

State FFA Convention A three-day event, FFA Members who attend the State FFA Convention participate in Career Developments Events and leadership workshops. In addition, they attend the statewide awards banquet where members are recognized for their state CDE involvement.

Greenhand & Chapter FFA Degree Night FFA members who have just earned their Greenhand or Chapter Degree Awards are celebrated and Award Certificates and Pins are presented.

Chapter Banquet   Our end of the year celebration- we enjoy a meal and recognize the members for their accomplishments over the past year. Certificates and awards are presented and a new officer team is installed into office.

Specific FFA CDE Event Descriptions
Ag SalesLearn how to sell an agricultural product to sell to a panel of judges using display, business and demonstrations. This CDE competes at FFA State Convention.
FloricultureLearn about floral design, how to identify plants and bedding materials, and demonstrate sales and service skills. Competes at State Convention.
Vet ScienceLearn more about veterinary equipment, parasites, microbiology and breeds. Contest takes place in February and includes ID, hands-on practicum written exam and math practicum.,
Horse JudgingLearn to evaluate the performance of horses and general knowledge of breeds, equipment and health. CDE is in May.
Nursery LandscapeLearn about all aspects of the landscape industry; from maintaining landscape plants to related products, equipment and services including landscape design.
Creed SpeakingMemorize the FFA Creed and present it to the members and judges at FFA State Convention. This CDE is only open to Freshmen.
Prepared Public SpeakingChoose an agriculture-related topic and write a 6-8 minute speech formatted as a 5 page research paper using MLA format. Speech is presented to judges at FFA State Convention and judges ask questions about the topic. If more than 1 student is interested, a chapter contest will be held at Essex Tech prior to State Convention. The winner of the chapter contest goes on to States.
Extemporaneous SpeakingLearn how to write a speech in 30 minutes. Speech will be presented to judges at FFA State Convention. Topics will be given the day of the contest, and a 4-6 minute speech will be presented to the judges.
DemonstrationDemonstrate a skill to the judges for 5-10 minutes. Division I is open to Freshmen only; Division II is for sophomores, juniors, and seniors; Team Division is for two people and is open to all grades. This CDE competes at State Convention.
Employability Skills Create a resume, cover letter and get 3 letters of recommendation. Learn how to complete a job application and interview with the judges in person and on the phone. This CDE competes at FFA State Convention.
Environmental & Natural ResourcesLearn about national and global and environmental issues, and practices that are trying to save our precious Natural Resources.
Quiz Bowl- Division 1 – 9 & 10 Division 2- 11 & 12Test your FFA knowledge! This jeopardy-style CDE competes at FFA State Convention.
Marketing PlanDevelop a marketing plan for an agricultural business to present to the judges. This CDE competes at FFA State Convention.
Opening & Closing CeremoniesLearn how to open and close an FFA meeting as well as parliamentary procedure in this new event only open to 9&10th graders
Science FairScience Projects are completed individually or in pairs. Projects complete at FFA State Convention
Dairy EvaluationMembers develop skills in dairy cattle selection and management. The CDE includes a written management and pedigree analysis test.
ForestryPractice using forestry equipment, Calculate tree value, Tree identification and other Issue related to forestry
Livestock JudgingMembers evaluate beef cattle, sheep and swine for market value and desirable physical traits. Individual and group work.
CDE Advisors
Career Development Event (CDE)Advisor
Agricultural SalesMs. Clarice Menesale
Agriscience FairMs. MaryElyse Sullivan
CreedMs. Clarice Menesale
Dairy EvaluationMs. Emily Poulin
Demonstration: Individual & TeamsMs. Mariah Fortuna
Employability Skills 1 & 2Ms. Heather Hume
Extemporaneous SpeakingMs. Nicole Grace
FloricultureMs. Jillian Plante
Horse EvaluationMs. Julia Giaquinto
Livestock EvaluationMs. Rebecca Smith
Marketing PlanMs. Clarice Menesale
Natural Resources & Environmental ScienceMs. Clarice Menesale
Prepared Public SpeakingMs. Nicole Grace
Quiz BowlMs. Jillian Plante
Veterinary ScienceMs. Rebecca Smith