Message from ENSATS 10/23/2023

Good Evening, Essex Tech Families!

We want to thank all of the families who helped support all of our Homecoming Week events.  We appreciate all the donations, and those who helped at games, set up and chaperoned for the dance, and cleaned up after the dance.  We wouldn’t be able to make all of these events work without your help. Thank you!  

Upcoming Schedule

Here is a preview of the schedule for this coming week.  

Monday, October 23, 2023Day 9: Green
Tuesday, October 24, 2023Day 10: Green 
Wednesday, October 25, 2023Day 1: Blue    8:45 am Late Start 
Thursday, October 26, 2023Day 2: Blue 
Friday, October 27, 2023Day 3: Blue 

Gina’s Giving Back

Many donations have been collected already, but we are still collecting food for Gina’s Giving Back.  Please click here for more information. All donations can be dropped off at the Main Office.

4:15 pm Late Buses

We want to clarify that 4:15 pm late buses are available to students who stay after school for extra help, after-school support in the Media Center, extra-curricular activities, sports, or detention only.  Students who remain at school and plan to take the 4:15 late bus must be supervised by an adult. These buses are not for students who want to hang out after school or leave campus and then return to take the 4:15 pm late bus. As a reminder, students need to sign up for the late buses using the online form by 9:00 am each day. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

North Campus and South Campus

During our safety drill last week, we realized that there was some confusion about the difference between North Campus and South Campus.  North Campus includes all of the buildings and grounds on the side of Route 62 with the Main School building.  South Campus includes all of the buildings and grounds on the Smith Hall side of campus.

School Council

There is a vacant seat for one Grade 9 parent/caregiver on the Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School Council. The Council meets four times per year to review educational goals for the school,  identify the educational needs of students enrolled, review the annual school building budget, and review the Quality School Plan also known as the School Improvement Plan. These meetings are typically held on Thursday mornings at 7:45 am; our first meeting is scheduled for November 16th. Participants need to be voted in by our families. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to [email protected] by Tuesday, October 24th.  I will include a Google form for voting that contains information about each candidate in the memo next week. 


The Veterinary Science team is hosting Happy Socktober ( until Tuesday, October 31st. Happy Socktober aims to provide a new pair of socks to individuals who are experiencing homelessness. Please consider donating a pair of new socks (any style, color, or size) and dropping them in the collection boxes located outside the A-112, A-116, Small Animal Building, Main Office, Media Center, Academy D Offices, and Gallant Hall. You can also give the socks to any Veterinary Science student or teacher. The socks will be donated in November to homeless shelters in Essex County to support approximately 750 individuals in need.

In case you missed it! 

Click here to view our previous messages.

Heidi T. Riccio, Ed.D.                Shannon Donnelly, M.A.T.    Thomas O’Toole, Ed.D.

Superintendent-Director          Principal                                     Asst. Superintendent

Pictures of the Week

Dental students were hard at work this week.

Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School 
565 Maple Street | Hathorne, MA 01937
(978) 304-4700 | 
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