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Early College Program

ENSATS has partnered with North Shore Community College (NSCC) to offer Early College Program courses to enrolled ENSATS students beginning in Grade 10.  ENSATS Early College Program courses will be taught by NSCC instructors and supported by an ENSATS faculty member or support staff.  Learning will take place on both the ENSATS and NSCC campuses throughout the term of the course. Successful completion of Early College Program courses will result in students earning both ENSATS high school credit and NSCC college credit.  ENSATS Early College Program course enrollment is free to eligible students.

Early College Program Course Descriptions

Understanding Higher Education and Career Pathways – Grade 10

NSCC Course # FFL103 | NSCC Credits: 3
ENSATS  Course #  ec4204 | ENSATS Credits: 4
This course provides an introduction to higher education, including the different purposes, functions, and structures of postsecondary institutions. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of degree and career pathways available across institutional types as well as familiarity with the social and emotional factors that influence student persistence and completion across educational settings. A variety of contemporary issues in higher education will be explored, with particular emphasis on the ways in which student experiences intersect with these issues. Topics include but are not limited to: academic discourse, social-emotional learning, educational planning, financial planning, college placement options, prerequisites/corequisites, and teaching and learning modalities. While this course focuses on higher education specifically, course topics will have application to educational settings and successful learning more broadly.  This NSCC course will be taught by an NSCC instructor-of-record and will be supported by ENSATS staff. Learning will take place on both the ENSATS and NSCC campuses and transportation will be provided*.  Successful completion of this Early College course will result in students earning both ENSATS’ high school credit along with NSCC college credit.  *Grade 10 students enrolled in UHE/CP 101 will be waived from enrolling in and completing US Government & Politics. Prerequisite: ENASTS Early College Program enrollment.

Speech – Grade 11

NSCC Course # SPE102 | NSCC Credits: 3
ENSATS  Course #  ec1304 | ENSATS Credits: 4
This Early College Program course focuses on the nature and effects of verbal communication. Students will become familiar with the communication process, including some of the following: principles of organization, purpose, language structure, effective delivery, and audience analysis. Students individually will use these elements in informative and persuasive speaking in the traditional speaker-audience relationship.  Speech will be taught by an NSCC instructor-of-record and will be supported by ENSATS staff. Learning will take place on both the ENSATS and NSCC campuses and transportation will be provided*.  Successful completion of this Early College course will result in students earning both ENSATS’ high school credit along with NSCC college credit and may fulfill an open, liberal arts and/or social science elective requirement at NSCC and/or other Massachusetts public universities. This course is a Semester 1 only class. Prerequisite: ENASTS Early College Program enrollment.

Composition 101 – Grade 11

NSCC Course # CMP101 | NSCC Credits: 3
ENSATS  Course #  ec1305 | ENSATS Credits: 4
Emphasis is on developing skills of writing, reading, analytical thinking, and research. Students are introduced to thought provoking ideas in readings from a variety of disciplines and learn to organize material, analyze ideas, and produce clear writing.  This NSCC course will be taught by an NSCC instructor-of-record in and will be supported by with ENSATS staff.. Learning will take place on both the ENSATS and NSCC campuses and transportation will be provided*.  Successful completion of this Early College course will result in students earning both ENSATS’ high school credit along with NSCC college credit.  Prerequisite: ENASTS Early College Program enrollment.

Introduction to Psychology – Grade 12

NSCC Course # PSY 102 | NSCC Credits: 3
ENSATS  Course #  ec4405 | ENSATS Credits: 4
This Early College Program course engages students in systematic study of behavior including the development of psychology as a science, the biological basis of behavior, learning and memory, motivation, sensation and perception, personality development, cognitive processes, maturation and development, and adjustment.  “Introduction to Psychology ‘’will be taught by an NSCC instructor-of-record  and will be supported by ENSATS staff. Learning will take place on both the ENSATS and NSCC campuses and transportation will be provided.  Successful completion of this Early College course will result in students earning both ENSATS’ high school credit along with NSCC college credit  and may fulfill an open, liberal arts and/or social science elective requirement at NSCC and/or other Massachusetts public universities. This course is a Semester 2 only class. Prerequisite: ENASTS Early College Program enrollment. 

Introduction to Sociology – Grade 12

NSCC Course # SOC 106 | NSCC Credits: 3
ENSATS  Course #  ec4404 | ENSATS Credits: 4
This Early College Program course introduces students to the study of society, employing all the basic concepts of sociology, such as: the structure and functions of society, culture, norms, roles and status. Attention is given to the origins of sociology, its methods and its place as one of the social sciences.  “Introduction to Sociology ‘’ will be taught by an NSCC instructor-of-record and will be supported by ENSATS staff. Learning will take place on both the ENSATS and NSCC campuses and transportation will be provided.  Successful completion of this Early College course will result in students earning both ENSATS’ high school credit along with NSCC college credit  and may fulfill an open, liberal arts and/or social science elective requirement at NSCC and/or other Massachusetts public universities. This course is a Semester 1 only class. Prerequisite: ENASTS Early College Program enrollment.