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School Name Change

Dear Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School Community:

I am writing to clarify the changes to the official name of our school. On Thursday, March 15, 2018, the School Committee voted to change the name of the school from Essex Technical High School to Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School (ENSATS) (Meeting Minutes).  The decision was made after many key stakeholders weighed in; including parents, students, state representatives, and other community members. We feel that this shift better reflects all that we do as a school community. The School Committee will reconvene this fall to determine the “nickname” of our school. More information will follow, as we receive it. In the meantime, we are using our formal name in communication and on our social media pages to spread good news about our students, staff, and community. We appreciate your support.

We are fortunate to provide exceptional agricultural, career, and technical education to over 1400 students. Our mission is to create, encourage, promote, and develop students for careers in many fields, including construction, services, technology, life sciences, and natural resources. Additionally, it is our goal to ensure students are prepared to enter post-secondary institutions, become productive citizens, and give back to their community through volunteer opportunities.

If there are further questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Shannon Donnelly directly. We are both readily available via email or phone. Enjoy the last remaining days of summer!



Heidi T. Riccio, Ed.D.


Shannon Donnelly, MAT

Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School
565 Maple Street | Hathorne, MA 01937
(978) 304-4700 |
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