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Offer vs. Serve

Offer versus Serve (OVS) is a provision in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) that allows students to decline some of the food offered. The goals of OVS are to reduce food waste in the school meals programs while permitting students to decline foods they do not intend to eat.

Offer vs. Serve Policy Lunch

A school lunch eligible for federal reimbursement shall offer 5 food components (milk, fruit, vegetables, grains, meat/meat alternatives). Students are allowed to decline 2 of the 5 required food components, but must select at least½ cup of either a fruit (or fruit combination) or a vegetable (or vegetable combination) or ½cup fruit/vegetable combination. After selecting the½ cup fruit or vegetable requirement, students must select at least 2 additional full components in the full amounts to count toward the reimbursable offer versus serve meal. The student’s decision to accept all 5 components or to decline 2 components shall not affect the price charged for the meal. The lunch is priced as a unit. Offer versus serve is the policy in cafeteria.

Offer vs. Serve Policy BREAKFAST

A school breakfast eligible for federal reimbursement shall offer 3 food components (milk, fruit, grains) that consist of a minimum of 4 food items. Students are allowed to decline 1 food item, but must select at least½ cup of fruit (or fruit combination). After meeting the½ cup fruit requirement, students must select the other food components in the full amounts to count toward the reimbursable offer versus serve meal. The student’s decision to accept all 4 components or to decline 1 item shall not affect the price charged for the meal. The breakfast is priced as a unit. Offer versus serve is the policy in the school cafeteria