Good Afternoon Parents, Guardians, Caregivers, and Students:
Thank you for your patience with us as we navigated the weather and transportation issues on Wednesday. We had a lot happening at Essex Tech this week: juniors took PSATs, all students had pictures taken, 8 FFA students and advisors traveled to Indianapolis for the National Convention, and we had Pink Out day on Thursday.
Upcoming Schedule
Here is a preview of the schedule for this coming week.
Monday, November 1
Day 4: Blue
Tuesday, November 2
Day 5: Blue
Wednesday, November 3
Day 6: Green 8:45 am Late Start
Thursday, November 4
Day 7: Green
Friday, November 5
Day 8: Green
Freshman Parent CTE Information Night
Freshmen parents and caregivers are encouraged to attend an information session hosted by the Grade 9 School Counselors regarding the Grade 9 Career Technical or Agricultural selection and placement process on Wednesday, November 3, 2021. The program will begin promptly at 6:00 pm in our Main Cafeteria.
Cooler Weather: Dress for it!
Most of our programs work year-round outside. It is essential your child has the proper outerwear for the cooler weather. Please be sure they have warm clothing on these days. If they are not dressed properly, they will not be able to work for the day. This negatively impacts a student learning a trade. Keep in mind, we are training the future workforce. If you don’t work, you don’t get paid. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact us directly so we can support you with these needs.
Brunt Workwear Partnership
Thanks to a member of our Program Advisory Committee, Bill Butts, we have recently engaged with Brunt Workwear. He is generously donating pairs of high-quality work boots to our students. If your child was a recipient of this donation (Landscaping and Automotive today and more to come), we strongly encourage them to write a personalized thank you note to them. This entrepreneur is a graduate of Babson College and has a passion for the trades.
Student Drop Off
As a reminder, all students should be dropped off in the back of the building by the gym between 7:05 and 7:45 am, unless you have made arrangements with the administration. If you are dropping your child off after 7:45 am, please drop them off at the Main Entrance in front of the building. These guidelines are in place for student safety. Dropping students off in front of the school when buses and staff are arriving poses logistical and safety concerns.
Winter Flag Football
We are pleased to announce another Flag Football opportunity for our students. Here is a message from the League Organizer, Nathan Farrar:
I am pleased to announce the opening of registration for the Essex Tech student Indoor Flag Football Program. Sign-ups close on Wednesday, November 3rd, and will fill up, so sign up fast! Please keep in mind we also need parent volunteers in each team, so please feel free to volunteer or ask your parents to be a coach!!! Games will be held on Saturday nights 8:30-9:30. How to sign up/Want more information? Website:
If you haven’t signed up with New England Sports before, you can go to the website and click on “Registration Info” then on “Available Programs.”. “NES HAWKS Flag Football” will appear, and they can click on that link to register. Everyone must have and/or create an account to register for the program. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help. (League Organizer Nathan Farrar, 978.815.0711)
Activities: Week of November 1, 2021
The following document includes activities for the: Week of November 1, 2021.
COVID Dashboard
Here is the link to our COVID Dashboard. This will be updated every week with the number of positive COVID-19 cases and the number of close contacts.
Have a great weekend!
Heidi T. Riccio, Ed.D., Superintendent-Director
Shannon Donnelly, M.A.T., Principal
Thomas O’Toole, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent
Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School
565 Maple Street | Hathorne, MA 01937
(978) 304-4700 |
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Showcase of the Week:
FFA students at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.

Our Food Service Department rocking their pink for Pink Out day.

Ms. DeForge and our awesome students ran with her aunt into the finish line at the annual 5K!

It was a great day for a 5K!
